A portion of my stitch journal.
approx. 8” x 10”
interwoven art
Scroll down for a gallery.
When I am not editing, I like to make art. My current focus is stitching.
Any art I make is all about the process. I have always loved learning new techniques, but I generally eschew any “rules” and avoid following pre-made patterns. For my stitching in particular, I just love the meditative and repetitive quality of the action, and enjoy combining colours and creating textures.
My process is mostly intuitive—I grab the materials and see where they take me. I seem to mostly use a basic straight stitch, but I do mix in a few others. I find it really inspiring that this basic use of stitching to cover the surface of cloth, which adds decoration and strength, shows up all over the world. Stitching can be used to simply make something beautiful to look at and also be applied practically to mend or reinforce any type of textile.
One of the biggest questions I get from people is, “What are you making that for?” and my answer is usually, “I don’t know, I just like doing it.” The end result is generally secondary for me. I just love to stitch, or crochet, or weave, or whatever, and eventually there may be a wall-hanging or blanket or some other “thing” that comes out of it.
If you have questions or you are interested in purchasing my artwork, drop me a line!
images of my work
Click on images to enlarge.
approx. 2.25” x 2.25”
approx. 3.25” x 3.25”
approx. 4” x 4”
approx. 5.25” x 5.25”